What Is A Token?

Tokens are digital assets that can operate on a blockchain system owned by coins. The important point in this definition is that it does not have a blockchain system. You can choose only within a certain system, within its purpose. Tokens are defined as transferable digital properties that are created in the form of a platform or application and allow you to take advantage of all aspects of the platform. Tokens, which are mostly known for the ICO/IEP process, can be produced to maintain the continuity of the platform in which they are located and improve its quality.

A token can represent a value, a product, or a service. If we are talking about a textile enterprise, it could even be a dress. If this is a technology company, then the token can also be an annual license of the software service. A person can even create a Token for himself and sell his hourly workforce in exchange for a token. In summary, every value, product, or service can be converted into a token, which means that every product or service can be “tokenized”

What Is A Coin?

Coins serve as a currency exchange compared to tokens. The only difference that distinguishes a coin from money is that it is in a digital form, that is, it does not physically have an asset. That is why many institutions and organizations predict coins to rise to the status of the most important currency in the future. Another name for coins is crypto or digital money. The most remarkable type of coin so far is Bitcoin.

Crypto coins are distinguished from real-world tokens. in this sense, there are many different characteristics. However, there is a problem like this, there are not many bitcoin-like coins on the market that are especially suitable for mining. There is also another method in this sense. Proof of Stake is a different approach to winning coins. It is lighter in energy consumption and easier to make. Cardano is one of the largest cryptocurrencies to adopt this system.

The Difference Between Crypto Coin And Token

A cryptocurrency coin can be expressed as a digital asset that functions on a specific blockchain network. Trading operations can be performed using these assets. along with all these, you can also use assets called coins as a method of storing values. A cryptocurrency token can also be viewed as digital value with functions similar to those we have counted. At this point, we can express the difference between coin and token as follows. Unlike coin, token uses other blockchain networks and not its blockchain network. In other words, we can say that a token does not have its blockchain network.

A coin is created using encryption techniques, stores value over time, and is the digital equivalent of money. The blockchain, which is a public and distributed digital ledger, is where all transactions can be viewed. In this sense, coins are also based on this concept. The members of the blockchain network will share it among themselves. Blockchain guarantees transparency and prevents fraud. Some coins work on the blockchain-based on the original protocol of Bitcoin.

Tokens, on the other hand, are digital assets issued by the project that can be used as payment methods within the project ecosystem and can perform functions similar to coins. The main difference between tokens from coins is that they give the owner the right to join the network. Tokens can perform the functions of a digital asset, represent a company’s share, and provide access to many other functions.

It’s Easier To Create A Token Than A Crypto Coin

Creating tokens is always easier compared to coins. Because there is no need to create a new code or change a pre-existing code. It will be enough to use a standard template that allows the creation of tokens in several stages. An example of this is blockchain-based Ethereum. In order for users to store different types of tokens in a single wallet, using a template when creating tokens provides a problem-free flow.


If we summarize the topic in general, tokens play a role in a company share. And they provide certain access to the product or service. Thanks to this, they perform many functions. But coins are used to buy any service or sell something else. Therefore, the tokens included in this ecosystem have a specific use. crypto coins are independent.