“After over 60 years of attack, that strategy influences, more than ever, Cuban families inside and beyond the country,” he said on Twitter, noticing it will be the 30th chance to introduce the goal, reports Xinhua news organization.


The goal requiring a finish to the ban has reliably won the staggering help of UN individuals.

Be that as it may, the US “continues disregarding the requests of the worldwide local area and has increased the barricade to exceptional levels”, Rodriguez said.

He added it neglected to undermine the protected request in Cuba, yet caused outlandish deficiencies, agony and languishing over Cuban families by restricting essential necessities.

Official information show in the initial 14 months of US President Joe Biden’s organization alone, the ban has caused Cuba financial misfortunes of around $6.3 billion.

First forced in 1962, the ban was fixed by Biden’s ancestor Donald Trump, who forced in excess of 240 approvals against the island country.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) September 16, 2022

In 2021, a sum of 184 nations casted a ballot for the goal, for the 29th year straight, with just the US and Israel casting a ballot against.