It’s unheard of for sitcoms to dole out a new season twenty years after they first debut, but Curb Your Enthusiasm isn’t like other shows. Featuring Larry David in all his exasperated glory, his persistence in remaining exactly the selfish person he has been for years is the reason why the show remains relevant.

Now that we’ve begun Season 10 in a time where the television landscape has changed from back when Curb Your Enthusiasm debuted, is it better for the series to remain the same or get with the times? We’ve brought together our wish list for Season 10, so read on further to see what we’re anticipating.

Larry’s Dynamic With Kids

For a guy who pretty much hates everyone, kids included, Larry seemed to have a great rapport with the flamboyant kid, Greg. On other occasions, his lack of patience with children has been more clear, such as his battles with Jeff and Susie’s daughter.

Whatever the scenario, we’d like to see Larry around children now that he’s aged far more than his patience would allow him. More than that, we’d actually like to see Larry butt heads with children and come away with the win by playing the age card, or have an inter-generational friendship with a kid.

A Misunderstanding From A Previous Season Returning

Having misunderstandings is the backbone of Curb Your Enthusiasm, without which there would be no show to begin. What we want, though, is for a misunderstanding from a previous season to return and for it to be dropped in right when a current misunderstanding is resolved.

This would not only heighten the sense of continuity in the show but also cement how Larry just can’t catch a break as problems he’s long forgotten about will come back to bite him in the back.

Larry Getting His Just Desserts

Sure, Larry more often than not loses the arguments around him for being the only sane man in a society deeply entrenched in nonsensical practices, but he’s still an inherent jerk who refuses to resist his urges to be the way he is.

For this reason, it can be considered that Larry’s won his arguments in the larger sense, and that’s why we want him to actually be hit hard by a loss that has a deeper impact. This can range from landing Larry in jail or have him be part of a fist fight.

A Long And Epic Rant From Larry

Something is always bubbling under the surface for Larry that he just wants to burst out with. All of the time, he’s stopped from speaking his mind because he knows he’ll get into trouble, and what we want is a scenario where he can let the shackles go.

Of course, there has to be an adequate build-up for this to truly be a rant of epic proportion, so for that to play out the best possible moment would be the finale episode. Here, Larry can be shown snapping from frustration and giving everyone a piece of his mind.

A Reconciliation Of Larry And Cheryl

These two had surprisingly avoided normal sitcom tropes of couples breaking up, that has been prevalent in other shows, only for them to eventually get divorced. While that worked out by giving Larry singular stories, we think it’s time for him to return to being in a couple.

If the Season 10 premiere is anything to go by, this point might actually be in full swing; however, we don’t want it to be a temporary reconciliation. By bringing the couple back together we can have a fresh set of stories going forward and can compare how Larry was married to Cheryl the first time to how he would be now.

Larger Role For Larry’s Friends

Like Larry himself, his friends are largely unlikable figures whom he keeps around because they match his ego. However, the show’s funny filter through these morally corrupt people means we’d like to see more of them.

Jeff and Leon have been kept strictly as supporting characters who add to Larry’s day, so it would be a good change to flip things around in a particular episode where we follow these characters and have Larry pop in and out instead. This would also highlight the impact Larry has on these guys.

Physical Comedy

Dry humor is the department that Curb Your Enthusiasm excels in and every episode has instances where there are awkward silences and sarcastic remarks from Larry. It would be great, though, to have the show play out its comedy on a physical basis.

It’s common knowledge that barely anyone likes Larry, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility to see him getting whacked around town for his mistakes, which is something that we’re certain has a lot of comedy potential.

Appearances From The Seinfeld Cast

The endless debate over which show did better than the other will always go on, but why not harmonize the two and delay this argument for another day? The Season 7 arc of Seinfeld’s reunion is even more relevant today, and having the cast back on Curb Your Enthusiasm will be welcome.

Rather than broach the previous arc once again, it would be better to have these actors appear as part of Larry David’s daily life. Jerry, in particular, has always had excellent chemistry with Larry, with a potential storyline of these two being more exasperated by the world more than ever a promising scenario.

Hijinks Between Characters In The Finale

It’s a tradition that everything that Larry’s avoiding in the season arc comes to a head in the finale, and we wouldn’t have it any other way this time round either. What we’d prefer is for Larry to continually avoid being confronted right up until this episode.

Here, there should be a big meltdown between the characters with the result being that all fingers point toward Larry after the hijinks conclude. In true Larry David fashion, he should be left perplexed with everything that’s happened, knowing he has no escape for causing things to go sideways.

Actual Growth For Larry As A Person

This is a long shot to happen as the show relies on Larry never learning from his mistakes, but we can still hold out hope for something of substance to hit Larry’s character development. It doesn’t have to be an emotional moment, but should remain profound in its own way.

After ten seasons and two decades of seeing him remain exactly the same, it would be a nice change to see Larry perhaps own up to his faults or become slightly compassionate. If pulled off well, this may very well end up being Curb Your Enthusiasm’s greatest moment.