Curri driver app

Curri driver app is regarded as Uber of the construction company world. It helped construction supplies providers a lot. If they want their supplies to deliver to the concerning contractor at the right time safe and sound, they need to follow these steps i.e.

Decide the order Arrange the materialsEnter all the information on the Curri appSelect the pickup and drop-off location

The app will then arrange a Curri driver according to the location. Both suppliers and drivers need to check the material before starting the ride. Suppliers can keep a record of the ride like Uber or Careem. They can also check other details like if the order was delivered on time or not, the route picked by the driver was safe or not, etc. To satisfy their customers, they also share a picture of safe and secure deliveries. This advancement gets mixed reviews from the driver as well as the customer.

Positive review of Curri car driver

It made the life of construction material suppliers and contractors so easy. Contractors do not need to worry about faulty material anymore. To shed more light on this some noticeable positive reviews are mentioned below:-

It made drivers earn a handsome amount of money. They are now able to be a good breadwinner for their family. Drivers with even the cars like Sedan can use this app for deliveries. Drivers can choose the delivery periods according to their choice and schedule. They can also take Curri drivers to manage heavy family responsibilities on hand. The payment method is easy and user-friendly. There is no interlope and complex web of the payment system. Drivers do not need to wait for weeks to get paid. The drivers have full knowledge about the payment and distance before even selecting the order. Curri customer service care for their new users and driver with utmost care and respect. They guide their driver throughout the process. Drivers can assure construction suppliers by tapping the button “on my way” on the app. This will notify both the contractor and construction material, supplierAccording to several drivers, the service provided by this app is uncharted in the market. So it provided them with plenty of opportunities. Drivers are also happy to work as gig workers with the help of this platform. Curri is flexible in the time span of deliveries. If the driver is not able to deliver on time because of a faulty route or something, the company won’t hold him accountable.

Negative review of Curri car driver

Nothing is perfect in this world. It comes with both effects and side effects. Some side effects aka negative reviews are listed below:-

Several drivers complain about the point that the delivery address is provided in detail but how can they deliver to the right contractor. If the actual business name is not mentioned. Customers and drivers are not 100 percent satisfied with the updates provided on the app. If one calculates the estimate per delivery according to an hour, It is not that profitable for a person who only earns through this app. As this app is high in demand so there is so much competition on this app. One order gets so many offers that it is hard for Curri to decide to choose the driver, which irritates the driver (because of the elongated time limit). According to some people, it is better to be a customer at Curri rather than a driver. Also, they have a big drawback i. e. their cancellation policy. The driver is on his way to deliver and the order gets canceled by suppliers, he won’t be compensated by the company for it


In the nutshell, there is a shift in the market from in-person service to online bookings. Curri is a life savior app for construction material suppliers and contractors. It helps to get the crust of the online market with ease.

Where is Curri located?

It is located in the California United States

Curri Driver App receives more positive or negative reviews?

The ratio of positive reviews is higher than negative reviews.