StarCrafts is an animated YouTube series by Jonathan Burton of Carbot Animations, whose artistic style is akin to something out of a Dan Paladin flash game (his zerglings remind me of Alien Hominid). The goal of “the Starcrafts mod” is to bring that art style to the game, converting all of the game’s assets to match the theme of the cartoon.

Making a mod of this scale, however, will be no simple task. To replace the game’s 3D assets with 2D art, Burton will have to design new sprites to overlay over each of the game’s structures and units, drawing every frame by hand. To accomplish this task, Carbot Animations has taken to IndieGogo in order to crowdfund the project. Once completed, “the Starcrafts mod” will be available for free in the SC2 arcade.

For more information, and to support Carbot Animations, please check out the IndieGogo page.

Cute But Deadly  Carbot Animations Crowdfunding  StarCrafts  SC2 Arcade Mod   Starcraft II  Heart of the Swarm   Starcraft 2 - 63Cute But Deadly  Carbot Animations Crowdfunding  StarCrafts  SC2 Arcade Mod   Starcraft II  Heart of the Swarm   Starcraft 2 - 47Cute But Deadly  Carbot Animations Crowdfunding  StarCrafts  SC2 Arcade Mod   Starcraft II  Heart of the Swarm   Starcraft 2 - 92