Cyber Monday Secret Hacks

The best way to prepare for Cyber Monday is to make sure you know what you want to buy and what stores you’d like to shop from. This way, you won’t find it difficult to find the items that you are looking for. This is the easiest hack that you could use. Below we will see some of the Cyber monday secret hacks. 

Bookmark your favorite retailer’s websites: 

Whether you’re using a phone or a computer, make sure you leave a bookmark for your favorite stores. This could make it much easier to find the best deals. Especially with certain items that you’re looking for. Another easy trick is to leave the website open on the item that you’re looking for. So once you’re on that page again, all you’ll have to do is hit refresh and add to the cart. Another tip: you could create a folder named “Cyber Monday” and only add the websites that you’ll do your shopping on. It creates easier access. 

Sign up for retailer’s newsletter:

I know what you’re thinking, and it’s true. Newsletters mean that you’ll consistently receive emails from retail stores. You could just sign up for these retail newsletters during November. That way, you’ll receive all promotional emails just for a few weeks. The great thing about Gmail, or any other email application, is that there is an option to throw these promotional emails into the spam folder. As Cyber Monday approaches, all those promotional emails will come flooding into your inbox. 

Discount codes: 

This has to be the easiest tip on this list. Save your coupons or any discount codes now. It’s best to keep an eye out for something this useful as a discount code a month ahead of Cyber Monday. This is where those annoying promotional emails come into use. Collecting coupons and combining them into one purchase is an easy way to save money and stretch your budget. Plus, you don’t want to sit around trying to find out which coupons work on which products. 

Set a budget: 

Another task is to figure out what your budget will look like for Cyber Monday. This is important not only to not overspend but to make a list of what to buy and for whom to buy it. To figure out what that budget should look like, I’ve created a list of what you could spend your money on. 

Budget list:

family Friends Yourself

It depends on what kind of Christmas gifts you want to buy for your friends and family. But I honestly suggest that about $200 or more should be enough money to buy everything that you need. This way, you’ll save enough money for the Christmas holidays. But it is okay if you do spend over budget. We’ve all been there. 

Price Comparison: 

It’s good to compare the prices of items between different stores. You’ll easily figure out which item would cost less than the other. It’s a terrible feeling when you buy an item and then find it for less at a different store. Another great idea is that you could read blogs that speak about good deals from certain stores. But remember, these blogs aren’t necessarily updated during the time that Cyber Monday occurs. So make sure this special deal is reflected on the retailer’s website. 

Stay up all night or Cyber Monday: 

Some retailers will have their Cyber Monday deals for at least 24 hours. But some do turn Cyber Monday into a week. So that way, you have enough time to enjoy their special deals. If you want to make sure that you can buy the items that you want, then you’ll have to put in the effort. If you’re a night owl, then it would be pretty easy to stay up late. There are quite a few retailers who like to start their Cyber Monday sales at midnight. When you shop at weird hours of the day, you’ll be able to snag the products that you’re looking for. If you can’t stay up late, then you could always wake up early too. 

Cyber Monday and Black Friday always have slight changes each year. So it’s quite unpredictable what might happen each year. But you can apply these tips to your shopping plans now. We’re only a few months away from Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Another fun tip: online shopping will be so much easier than actually travelling to the mall to do your Cyber Monday shopping. This way, you will be able to avoid long queues.