Whalenought Studios, the husband and wife duo responsible for the game Serpent in the Staglands, began the campaign for the game on May 12, setting a goal of $40,000.

Today, with 1,023 backers, the amount of money pledged for the game is $42,612.

Copper Dreams is a cyberpunk inspired RPG, where the protagonist is one of the many citizens in the game forced into colonizing the island, and government owned metropolis, Calitana to ease the over crowding in the rest of the world.

According to the game, the government sent supplies to the immigrants at first, but then it only sent more people. “The lucky get drafted to war,” the narrator in the trailer said, “The rest get drafted here.”

Because of this forced colonization, Calitana is run to ruin. And with no official rule, corporations have taken charge. The protagonist works for one of these corporations, but along the way, discovers secrets while spying on competitors.

The campaign for the game will officially end on Saturday at 5:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. The game is due for release in March 2017.