Most normal people couldn’t, and wouldn’t even want to, fathom what it would be like to live in the apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead. The characters in this long-running TV series have experienced things and been forced to make choices that no one in the real world has ever even come close to, and they have had their moral mettle tested more than any human being ever should.

The moral standing of the characters on The Walking Dead completely runs the gamut from people who are genuine heroes to villains more evil than most people would like to believe is possible. And although their fantasy worlds couldn’t be more different, the moral absolutism that often rules the characters on The Walking Dead does share some similarities with the universe of Dungeons & Dragons. The characters in Dungeons & Dragons operate on a moral spectrum that goes from evil to good, and from lawful to chaotic. And this is where all of the TWD characters fit on that scale.

Gabriel Stokes - Lawful Neutral

Father Gabriel obviously believes in the word of the lord, but he has shown himself to have a very difficult time following it as well. His biggest crime against humanity was locking his desperate and frightened congregation out of the church when the walker epidemic first hit, and although he has gone out of his way to make amends since then it’s hard to say if he could ever really redeem himself after that.

Plus, like any other survivor in the universe of The Walking Dead, Gabriel has had to do awful things in order to stay alive or save the people he cares about. He’s a lawful character, but his morality seems more neutral than good or bad.

Alpha - Chaotic Evil

Alpha’s entire life philosophy and leadership style seems to totally embody the chaotic evil character alignment. Alpha and her crew survive because they behave more like animals than humans, and she won’t hesitate to do the most monstrous things anyone could imagine if she thinks it will further her own ends.

She has beheaded her enemies as a warning, she murdered her own husband, she even expected one of the people in her group to let their baby be eaten by walkers because she couldn’t get it to stop crying. It’s grim to even imagine that people like this could exist in any world.

Ezekiel - Lawful Good

Within the context of The Walking Dead, King Ezekiel is obviously a good person, and seeing as he’s the only king that America has seen in a few centuries it’s safe to say that he’s a pretty law-minded man as well.

Ezekiel can be judicious in the help that he offers to others, but he always looks out for those he cares about and he keeps the greater good in mind when he makes decisions as well. He managed to create order in a world that had been thrown into chaos and disarray, which makes him a quintessential lawful good character.

Aaron - Lawful Good

Aaron is a character who undoubtedly is willing to bend or break the rules if he thinks that it’s necessary, but he is a man who still believes in the old ways of the world and tries to see the best in everyone, even when they might not deserve it.

Aaron has had more exposure to the new world than the rest of the Alexandrians, but his reaction to Rick and the rest of the group when he finally introduces himself just goes to show how much his mindset hasn’t changed from the person that he once was, and honestly that has served him well for the most part.

Eugene Porter - True Neutral

Eugene is a character who fits into the true neutral category of character alignments not because of any personal beliefs or ideals that Eugene holds. It’s simply because the only guiding force in his behavior is fear. Eugene has had some brilliant and heroic moments on occasion, but for the most part he just wants to stay alive and is willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

If he needs to be law-abiding to survive he’ll do it, and if he needs to be chaotic he’ll do it. If he needs to be good he’ll do it, and if he needs to be evil he’ll do it, just as long as he’s alive at the end of it.

Rosita Espinosa - Neutral Good

Rosita Espinosa is exactly the kind of chick you want on your side in the apocalypse. She’s dangerous, insanely capable, brave, but still a legitimately good person. Rosita always has her eye on whatever prize is in front of her at the moment, and she’s willing to fight and die for what she thinks needs to be done.

Abraham Ford may have been the one who taught her how to survive and thrive in the way she does now, but she was always that person inside. Her character alignment is clearly neutral good, because while she will do very dubious things to accomplish what she needs she never wavers in her morally upright nature.

Negan - Lawful Evil

Negan is an interesting character in The Walking Dead’s universe because he essentially gained his power not only because of his willingness to do awful things in order to get it, but because he restored a sense of order and safety for the people that followed him.

He basically enslaved people and always asked more than they could give, and when they inevitably failed him he would dole out some extra strength corporal punishment. He’s cruel and sociopathic, but the rules that he establishes and expects people to follow mean everything to him. He is absolutely a lawful evil character in the character alignment scale.

Michonne - Neutral Good

Michonne may characterize herself as a crazy lady with a sword, but she is so much more than that. Michonne is the kind of hero we all wish we would be in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world.

She’s easily one of the strongest characters in the series and she could have easily become an Alpha or a Negan, but she has always been strong in her resolve to resist these tyrants and fight them tooth and nail until they’ve been defeated. Michonne can be underhanded when she needs to be, but it’s not what she would prefer. So Michonne is a pretty dead-on match for the neutral good character alignment.

Carol Peletier - Chaotic Good

Carol Peletier began her story as one of the weakest and most frightened characters on the entire show, but she has grown into one of the most intimidating and powerful characters ever to appear on TWD, and she has more than earned the nickname Scare-ol.

But what makes Carol so strong as a character is that she really understands what needs to be done and she’ll be the one to do it, even if no one else wants to confront that reality. She will murder someone and set their corpse on fire or even murder a child if it’s for the greater good, so she’s definitely a chaotic good character in the Walking Dead world.

Daryl Dixon - Chaotic Good

To say that Daryl Dixon isn’t really a people person is putting it lightly. Daryl’s early characterization was downright insufferable, and even as he’s grown into one of the most heroic characters in the series he’s still at his most comfortable when he’s flying solo and preferably doesn’t have to talk to anyone.

Daryl is a complete badass, stronger than nearly anyone else in the series, and can be wildly unpredictable, but he is a sincerely benevolent person who looks out for his friends and will save anyone if he can. He’s another member of The Walking Dead’s crew that is a chaotic good character alignment through and through.