Within the world of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, the Targaryen family is one of the most powerful and unique families in the entire fictional universe. Of course Daenerys Targaryen is the main representative of House Targaryen throughout the series (or as we all learned late in the game, Jon Snow as well). But the history of House Targaryen is vast and complex, and there are many members of the family that stood out through the years.

Every Targaryen had, let’s say, a unique personality. Some for better, and some for worse. But if the dragon riders of Game of Thrones found themselves in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, where exactly would they all fit in? More specifically, which character class would every Targaryen be classified in to?

Aegon Targaryen - Warlock

It can be hard to say what constitutes a devil’s bargain, but to be honest whatever Aegon decided to do in order to conquer Westeros seems to come pretty close.

Like many from Valyria, Aegon and his family had the capacity to ride dragons, which gave them an enormous amount of power in the world. But despite the fact that there were once many who could do it, Aegon was the only one who chose to use that power to bring Westeros to heel. And once he landed on the shores of Dragonstone it was clear that he was willing to do whatever it took to conquer the country, and that’s why he falls into the Warlock class of character.

Visenya Targaryen - Fighter

Aegon may be known as the conqueror of Westeros, but it was Visenya who was the true warrior of this deadly trio of Targaryens. Visenya’s fighting spirit was so great that even her children became some of the most powerful and terrifying Targaryens in history, and her son Maegor the Cruel became a scary legend in his own right.

Visenya was likely just a hair away from being a Barbarian herself, but she apparently learned to channel all of her natural aggression and actually hone her skills to transform herself into a fearsome warrior. So that’s why Visenya belongs in the Fighter class of character.

Rhaenys Targaryen - Bard

It seems like out of the original trio, Rhaenys was the sibling who had the least amount of interest in actually conquering and ruling the world. Instead, Rhaenys seemed to be passionate about more artistic pursuits.

She apparently loved dancing, music, and poetry, and her personality was charming and infectious. A girl like that could be nothing other than a Bard, as the Bard class of Dungeons & Dragons character is similarly enchanting and talented with all of the beauty that comes with divine inspiration.

Aemon Targaryen - Monk

For better or for worse, Aemon Targaryen was the Monk of the Targaryen family. Clearly Aemon was one of the best and brightest that the Targaryens ever had, and he appears to be one of the very few sane members of this generally batty family.

As Aemon explains to Jon, he could have been king himself, but he chose another path in life. One can only imagine how much better Westeros would have been if Aemon had taken the throne, but he decided to sequester himself away at the Night’s Watch and devote himself to the lonely but honorable life as Maester of Castle Black.

Aerys Targaryen - Barbarian

It’s a little ironic that the mad king Aerys falls into the Barbarian category of character, because by all accounts he was not a physically imposing or tough man.

However, it would be hard to classify him as anything else, because his insatiable thirst for blood and his willingness to harm people in the most gruesome ways imaginable are depths that only a Barbarian would sink to.

And not only was Aerys more than willing to get his hands dirty, he apparently took great delight in watching people burn alive, and it’s terrifying that such a mindlessly violent savage was actually the king of the Seven Kingdoms.

Rhaegar Targaryen - Bard

Rhaegar Targaryen became quite a mythical figure after his death, and to be honest it’s hard to understand exactly why. I mean yeah, he’s alright for a Targaryen, but his own self absorption basically led to the collapse of the entire country.

But one of the things that seems to be the most memorable about him is that he was effortlessly charming, and he had a gift with words and music. Ergo, it’s only natural that Rhaegar is in the Bard class of character. The Bards have a gift of self expression and charm, and that is Rhaegar to his core.

Viserys Targaryen - Rogue

Viserys Targaryen was an entitled little brat who thought that his name was the key to everything he had ever wanted in the world, but he was forced to confront the reality of the situation that he was not nearly as powerful and important as he liked to believe.

So in order to advance himself in the world and reclaim the throne he believed was rightfully his, he was willing to do everything underhanded and sneaky within his power in order to get what he wanted. And that’s why Viserys is a Rogue class of character, because while he’s not completely incapable of accomplishing his goals, he’s more than willing to take some morally objectionable shortcuts whenever possible.

Jon Snow - Ranger

As the child of two of the most powerful and mystical bloodlines in the history of Westeros, it definitely seems to be selling Jon a tad short by keeping him out of one of the magic wielding classes of Dungeons & Dragons character classes.

However, despite the fact that Jon likely had this latent power, it was not something that he ever wanted or used for himself. Jon has always been a warrior through and through, and since he spent most of his life waging war at the literal edge of the world it only makes sense that he would be a Ranger class of character.

Daenerys Targaryen - Sorcerer

It’s ironic that Daenerys was truly the last of the pure Targaryen bloodline, because she alone was the rebirth of the magic that was apparently laying dormant in their blood for all those years before.

Dany’s power was so great and so awe inspiring that people from all over the world would follow her willingly to the ends of the earth, and even the most skeptical of people were moved or at least impressed by the fact that Dany single handedly brought dragons back into the world. So then, it makes a lot of sense that Daenerys would fall into the Sorcerer class of character, because she alone had the power in her blood to make real magic happen.