The story is played from the perspective of Makoto Naegi, a student who is starting a new year at a private academy called Hope’s Peak. He and fourteen other students are trapped in the school by a sadistic monochrome bear named Monokuma. (Does this sound like a familiar movie to anyone else?)

Monokuma’s game is simple – the students must live a communal lifestyle together under some rules. In order to escape, a student must disrupt the peace. The student can accomplish this by “graduating” – or in other words, by murdering another student.

Once the body has been discovered, the rest of the students must find out who the murderer is. If the murderer can fool the other students into thinking they’re innocent, then the rest of the students will be executed as punishment. If the students can discover the murderer, they will be left unharmed and the murderer will be punished instead.

The game is set to release on Steam sometime in February. Let the murder mystery begin!