The second season of the Netflix Original Series Daredevil is already on the way for release in March 2016, with a series of new episodes set to explore darker territories than Hell’s Kitchen lawyer Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) has faced so far, including a rivalry with Frank Castle/The Punisher (Joe Bernthal), and the return of his old college squeeze, Elektra Natachios (Elodie Yung). Based on all appearances so far, Cox has gotten the role and world of the Marvel Comics character down pat, and viewers can expect even more of what they’ve come to love about the character on the small screen.

Nevertheless, Cox may not be appearing anytime soon on the big screen in a major motion picture from Marvel Studios, such as The Avengers: Infinity War. That is, despite whatever feelings or desires the actor in question might have regarding the role.

In a recent interview conducted by Entertainment Tonight regarding the delineation of power held by Marvel Studios and Marvel TV respectively, Cox claimed that while he may play Daredevil on the small screen, Matt Murdock could potentially be recast if he were to appear on the big screen in the near future. While Cox might otherwise wish to continue portraying the character in a feature film, the actor was quick to acknowledge the difference between the two studios, stating:

“Marvel TV and Marvel Studios are two very different things. So even if the character were to appear [in The Avengers: Infinity War], that doesn’t necessarily mean that I would appear in that film.”

Cox was quick to declare that he would, “Pick a fight with the guy that they choose,” making it clear that the young actor is intent to continue playing Matt Murdock were he to make the transition from Netflix star to Marvel Studios contender. Obviously, the Daredevil show, as well as fellow Netflix series Jessica Jones, both operate within the same cinematic universe as the Marvel Studios feature films, so it would seem like a no brainer for Cox to retain the rights to playing Murdock - were he to appear in any film set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Just where we might see Cox end up next following the conclusion of the second season of Daredevil online remains to be seen, though the future of the character is undoubtedly one fated to wind up entangled in the films produced by Marvel Studios at some point. But even if Cox is not cast ultimately cast in The Avengers: Infinity War, viewers will always be able to catch the actor’s take on the role on Netflix indefinitely.

Daredevil season 1 and Jessica Jones season 1 are now available on Netflix. Daredevil season 2 will debut on Netflix on March 18th, 2016, followed by Luke Cage season 1 later in 2016. Release dates for Iron Fist and The Defenders on Netflix have not yet been announced.

Source: Entertainment Tonight